Quiz: Multiplicação de 2 dígitos

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import time import random from js import alert, prompt, localStorage, window n_questions = int(prompt("How many questions?", "5")) localStorage.setItem("n_questions", n_questions) list_a = [] list_b = [] for i in range(n_questions): list_a.append(random.randrange(1,10)) list_b.append(random.randrange(10,99)) deltas = [] correct = 0 wrongs = [] print('============= START') for i in range(n_questions): start = time.time() a = list_a[i] b = list_b[i] user_answer = str(prompt(str(a) + ' x ' + str(b) + ' = ')) if user_answer == str(a*b): result = 'Correct!' correct += 1 else: wrongs.append([a,b]) result = 'Incorrect. The correct answer is: ' + str(a*b) delta = round(time.time() - start, 2) deltas.append(delta) alert(result) print(str(a) + ' x ' + str(b) + ' = ') print(user_answer) print(result) print(str(delta)+' s') print('=============') print('============= END') print('Number of questions: ' + str(n_questions)) alert(str(round(100*correct/n_questions,1))+'%'+' with average response time of: '+ str(round(sum(deltas)/len(deltas),2)) + ' s') print(str(round(100*correct/n_questions,1))+'%'+' with average response time of: '+ str(round(sum(deltas)/len(deltas),2)) + ' s') if len(wrongs)>0: user_answer = str(prompt("Correct the wrong ones? Enter 'yes' or 'no'. >>> ")) if user_answer.lower() == 'yes': randoms = wrongs print('============= START #2') correct = 0 deltas = [] for i in range(len(randoms)): a = randoms[i][0] b = randoms[i][1] start = time.time() user_answer = str(prompt(str(a) + ' x ' + str(b) + ' = ')) if user_answer == str(a*b): result = 'Correct!' correct += 1 else: result = 'Incorrect. The correct answer is: ' + str(a*b) delta = round(time.time() - start, 2) deltas.append(delta) alert(result) print(str(a) + ' x ' + str(b) + ' = ') print(user_answer) print(result) print(str(delta)+' s') print('=============') print('============= END #2') print('Number of questions: ' + str(len(wrongs))) print(str(round(100*correct/len(wrongs),1))+'%'+' with average response time of: '+ str(round(sum(deltas)/len(deltas),2)) + ' s') alert(str(round(100*correct/len(wrongs),1))+'%'+' with average response time of: '+ str(round(sum(deltas)/len(deltas),2)) + ' s') print('Refresh the page to play it again.')